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Selling a product or service shouldn’t be that hard

Selling a product or service shouldn’t be that hard

I recall when I used to live in England and worked as door-to-door salesman for British Gas as my first job before moving up the ladder to being a senior web designer for MSB International, wow what an experience.

The sales job required knocking on doors, with a list in my hand of the people I was to talk to. The experience of talking to people you never spoke to before is a strange feeling on its own. And when they react positively to what you have to offer them, then the time and effort you put in is worth it. And if the opposite happens and you get a door slammed on your face, then the only thing that will make you move forward is your determination.

That one thing I learnt after those sales visits is that if you show genuine care and tell the client/customer as to what they are going to save and what’s in it for them, instead of worrying about your own commission, then you will definitely get the sale. It’s impossible that a client will say no, if they sense it that you care for them more than your sales target. I remember, not offering the product to lots of clients just because they didn’t save much, only ending up in them purchasing the offer for their own compound just because I was honest with them.

Honesty goes a long way and in my work that’s that one tool I carry along. So guys, remember, ask questions, find answers, be genuine, and your sales will follow!

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