Looking down on others
I read a quote a few days ago and I was amazed by the beauty and depth it covered.
“Never look down on someone unless you’re helping them up.” – Jesse Jackson
Just imagine if everyone around the world thought like this, it would be so much easier to deal with other human beings. What if everyone started looking at others as human beings and as people with a heart that beats. Wouldn’t it be beautiful?
If people put this quote into action:-
- they would be better friends
- they would be better parents
- they would be better husbands and wives
- they would be better inside and outside
- and most of all, they would be better people to be around
How can we help others by following the quote?
- If someone asks for help and you know you can do it, just go ahead
- If someone needs money and you know you can help, just lend it
- If someone requires your time and you know you have it, try to give it
Sometimes, all that stops us from helping others is the boasted ego that has no place in a healthy body…