Your ideas are not meant to be buried with you
I speak with lots of people on a daily basis. Some of them have amazing ideas which they could do lots of things with, but it saddens me to see that majority of them will be taking those ideas to the death bed with them. Those ideas that they get, came into their minds due to a reason. They weren’t just a fluke, they weren’t a mishap or an accident. They were given to that individual because they were supposed to be dealt with, to be played with, and to be executed to others could benefit from them.
If you have an idea that you just keep getting, but you suppress it whenever it surfaces in your brain, then you really need to think it over as to what you really want in life. Do you want to keep on going to the dead-end-job or are you going to do something for yourself for a change? Will you really make a difference in yours and other peoples lives with the amazing idea you have or will it be buried with you when you are no more?
What’s the worse that can happen? That your idea didn’t make it? So what? You have any ideas how many products I launch on a monthly basis and how many of them don’t make it while that ONE winner balances the whole equation?
So my advice to you would be that you should snap out of the negative circle, meet positive people and go for it!
Good luck 🙂