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8 Reasons to be grateful

8 Reasons to be grateful

I often wonder how many of us really take the time out to be grateful for something that we have. Actually everything we have is something we should be thankful for. Let’s narrow it down 🙂 Things that we can be thankful for.. right here right now!

  1. You are able to read and write (Billions around the world can’t do that)
  2. You have eyes that can see your loved ones (Billions around the world are blind)
  3. You can HEAR your loved ones (Billions around the world are deaf)
  4. You can walk wherever you wish (Billions of people around the world are unable to walk)
  5. You can speak (Billions of people around the world are mute)
  6. You have a roof on your head when you are sleeping (Billions and billions more have no home to live)
  7. You can have food daily, not once not twice but lots more times (Billions of kids sleep every single day without a single grain of food)
  8. You are ALIVE!!! (Gazillions are not.. you have the choice to either MAKE something out of it, or waste it sleeping or sitting reading this post 🙂

So now let’s see.. your turn.. a few of YOUR reasons to be grateful for, and as a token of respect towards humanity, do click here to donate a dollar or two in order to feed a few hungry kids 🙂 Can you imagine how many prayers will be sent your way when they eat today?

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