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How not to be shy

How not to be shy

I am everything, but shy. Well that doesn’t mean I don’t get nervous, of course I do. I also get sweaty when standing in front of a crowd, but maybe that’s something every normal person would feel when they are in a similar situation. Below are just some tips you can follow to avoid being the “shyest” person in this world:-

  • Remember, that you are unique. There is absolutely no one like you. So if you have some kind of a complex about your looks then put that thought aside, because half of the people you think will make fun of your “looks” don’t care, and the other half have their own issues to deal with.
  • Gather knowledge on various topics. I read a lot, from topics on science to online marketing, from politics to religion. This makes me confident enough to carry out a conversation and keep things in the flow. I often see that shyness also occurs when the person doesn’t have anything to say, so have a good stock of “useful” talks that have a meaning, rather than just talking about some new song on tv every time you meet someone.
  • Look in the eye of the opposite person when talking. There is nothing tougher than that for a shy person, but also the best way to break that “shyness” to pieces. Looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to “while smiling” makes things lot easier to talk about. I never forget this rule, since it makes the other person realize that “I am interested in talking with them”, no matter if it’s a minute chat at the grocery store with someone who I am asking about the juice-area.

There are millions of other ways to break the “shyness”, do share yours.

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