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3 tips to resolving a conflict

3 tips to resolving a conflict

We often come across situations at home or at workplace where conflicts are bound to happen. The majority of the people around us will definitely not do anything about the situation, but a wise and intelligent person which I am sure you are, will hopefully try to resolve a situation between two people. Afterall, what better way to be remembered among people than a problem solver.

Ok now onto the simple 3 tips rule that will make things a lot easier to solve and create a tension-free space no matter if it’s home or at work.

  1. Be empathetic
    When listening to both sides, be very empathetic and listen carefully. Do not be judgemental and keep in mind that there is absolutely nothing worse than trying to be a problem solver, and not being to put yourself in their shoes.
  2. Be fair
    The best quality you can have when trying to resolve a conflict is to be fair. Don’t take sides and make sure that whatever you say and do you don’t come out as someone who is leaning more on one side than the other. If both parties are offering their own solution to the conflict, try to combine them both and offer a solution of your own.
  3. Advice privately
    There are times when you need to say something to either one of the parties in the conflict. Make sure that it’s not something that will make things worse. For example, if you feel one of the two is being a bit over-emotional, do NOT say it in just like that, use your words wisely and advice in private. Because by not doing so, you are probably going to add upto the tension making things worse in the future for the two.

Hope the three simple steps help you realize what to keep in mind when you are trying to save the world 🙂

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