Quitting when you are ahead

Why should one do that? I hear this a lot although I don’t agree with…

Being rude when wanting good service

I see lots of people who tend to be oversmart when they are out shopping.…

Why should you always be optimistic!

There are a trillion reasons why one should always be optimistic. Well some people might…

Being a victim doesn’t help

Stop thinking yourself as a victim since the world is already full of people like…

Being jobless doesn’t need to be a sad experience

I been in the current role as a Designer / Project Manager for a year…

If you only have 3 days to live…

This could probably be one of those eye-opener posts if you really want to think…

Success and failure

I have always been the advocate of positive outlook towards life. No matter sometimes I…

What type of a colleague are you?

Some of us who work in an office or has ever worked in one know…

Is death the easy way out?

The fact that all of us are going to die one day is something that…

5 ways to an amazing day

There are lots of ways one can manage to start a wonderful day. Actually there…

Backbiting and how it affects us

The thing that most of us humans enjoy these days and feel as if its…

Steps to reach your goals

A friend sent a few ebooks to me about setting goals and I got the…

Why some bloggers fail..

There are lots of people who just get into the whole world of blogging just…

Working for pleasure or cash

I have been quite lucky (and very hard working as well) when it comes to…

How important was your childhood?

One of the most amazing times of our lives have been spent in our childhood.…

Do you give up easily?

Today I wanted to talk about Giving up. Of course in no way am I…

Dear Mum – This is for you

Hi mum, I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much. You…