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The one who always kept awake

The one who always kept awake

Was just missing mum and thought of writing something for her and all those that really value the beautiful relationship of a mother and her children.

The one who always kept awake

The one who always kept awake
when the whole world calmly slept
The one who cried along with me
When my inner child had wept

The one who gave me courage when
The world would let me down
The one who prayed to All-mighty
So that I would never frown

The one who had taught me
How I should stand and walk
How the letters form the words
And then how I should talk

The one who still loved me
If I had done wrong or right
She would ask for my safety
And that I was safe at night

Now that she’s no more 🙁
I have just one thing to say
For me there is now no one
Who can sit all night and pray

There’s no one who now asks me
Like she asked me about my day
No one says it like she used to
“Don’t worry it’ll all be okay”

If I had yelled, to the entire world!
“Can someone take all worries of mine?”
I am sure of this that my mother would
Be the first and the last in the line

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