Quitting your job to become an entrepreneur?

No, ofcourse you don’t. You can work in your nine to five job and still…

In order to succeed, just go deaf!

This world is a beautiful place to live in, but at the same time we…

5 Tips to a great first impression

No matter what we say or do the thing about first impression has been a…

Patience at the right moment

There might be people in your life that you look upto and wonder how they…

3 ways to stay on the ground

There are various ways one can help oneself, and the best way to help yourself…

4 tips to a happier work life

I have learnt a lot of things while working in various fields the last few…

Learn to say NO

This is probably one of the most difficult words one can say. In life we…

Giving up is a choice!

I was having a conversation with someone few days ago about giving up. He said…

6 tips on public speaking

Well to be honest after almost 20+ years of radio presenting, and being on stage…

Jealousy or Envy

There is a HUGE different between the two. And I hope that more and more…

Self-pity is not for you

There are often times in our life when we sit and start thinking of all…

10 ways to catch a liar

There are various ways one can tell if someone is lying, either by the way…

3 tips to resolving a conflict

We often come across situations at home or at workplace where conflicts are bound to…

Who creates women haters?

A friend brought my attention to something which in my views is a kind of…

8 Reasons to be grateful

I often wonder how many of us really take the time out to be grateful…

Seeking happiness in sad moments

Whenever we are going through a tough and sad patch in life we tend to…

3 qualities to look for in a person you can trust

We are all living in this world with different types of people with different types…

8 Misconceptions about Chocolate

Just like most of you, I love chocolate . But yah I am trying to…

Lessons I’ve learned by staying positive

Conveniently predominate enterprise outsourcing rather than out-of-the-box benefits. Uniquely simplify collaborative manufactured products vis-a-vis extensible…

Stop Ignoring These 7 Inspiring Truths

People know who they have the potential to be. The challenge is seeing that process through.…

What’s the Point of Self-Improvement Anyway?

There’s a paradox with self-improvement and it is this: the ultimate goal of all self-improvement…

How to Supercharge Your Learning and Self-Improvement

One of my favorite pieces of ancient wisdom comes from the Stoic philosopher Epictetus: We…

Become stressless within minutes

Stress has become so common these days that it’s hardly anyone you can find who…

Why are you scared to speak in public?

Is it because you think you will make a mistake or is it because you…